Traditional Village ~ 7 article(s)

Tips dan Trik Memilih Travel Agen di Labuan Bajo
Memperkenalkan Nagia Flores Wisata Hallo sahabat traveler Indonesia! Kali ini kami, Nagia Flores Wisata, akan membagikan tips dan trik memilih travel agen di Labuan Bajo sebelum Anda membooking ya. Pertama-tama, perlu kami perkenalkan bahwa Nagia Flores Wisata adalah nama dari travel agen kami. Kami tentunya salah satu travel agen terbaik di Labuan Bajo. Per... read more

Explore the Wonders of Labuan Bajo and Komodo with Nagia Tours
Discover Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island Labuan Bajo, a picturesque town situated on the western tip of Flores Island, is a gateway to the enchanting Komodo National Park. Renowned for its stunning landscapes, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life, this region is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. With Nagia Tours, a local... read more

Explore the Wonders of Komodo and Flores with Nagia
Discover the Beauty of Komodo National Park Nagia, a local travel agent based in Labuan Bajo, Flores, offers exceptional tours around the mesmerizing regions of Komodo and Flores. Officially licensed by the Indonesian government, Nagia’s team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the tourism industry. Komodo National Park, a cel... read more

Menyelami Pesona Kampung Adat Wae Rebo dalam Paket Trip 2 Hari 1 Malam Bersama Nagia Flores
Mengenal Kampung Adat Wae Rebo Kampung adat Wae Rebo adalah salah satu destinasi wisata terkenal di Flores, Indonesia. Terletak di daerah terpencil, kampung ini menawarkan pengalaman unik untuk menjelajahi budaya dan alam yang masih sangat alami. Paket trip 2 hari 1 malam bersama Nagia Flores adalah cara terbaik untuk menikmati keindahan ini. Lihat paket: Wa... read more

Exploring the Historical Charm of Ruteng Pu’u Traditional Village
Historical and Cultural Significance of Ruteng Pu’u Ruteng Pu’u is one of the oldest villages in the West Flores region and holds a prominent position in the Manggarai Regency. Before the establishment of several other traditional villages, Ruteng Pu’u served as the central hub for traditional life and cultural activities in the area. The village’... read more

Exploring Todo Village: A Hidden Gem in East Nusa Tenggara
Discovering Todo Village Exploring new places and traditional settlements is a delightful experience for travelers. Located in East Nusa Tenggara province, Todo Village, or ‘Kampung Todo,’ is nestled within Manggarai Regency, specifically in the West Satar Mese district. Renowned as the origin of the Manggarai Kingdom, Todo Village offers both hi... read more

Exploring Wae Rebo Village: The Hidden Gem of East Nusa TenggaraWAE REBO VILLAGE
Introduction to Wae Rebo Village Wae Rebo Village is one of the most famous traditional villages in Manggarai, precisely located in Satar Lenda, Satamese Barat District, Manggarai Barat Regency, on the beautiful Flores Island of East Nusa Tenggara. The residents of Wae Rebo come from the Modo tribe, preserving their traditions and culture from generation... read more
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