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Backpacker ~ 15 article(s)

surga tersembunyi di indonesia timur

Labuan Bajo: Surga Tersembunyi di Indonesia Timur

Pesona Keindahan Alam Labuan Bajo menawarkan pemandangan yang menakjubkan dengan bukit-bukit hijau dan pantai berpasir putih. Destinasi ini menjadi surga tersembunyi di Indonesia Timur yang memikat hati para wisatawan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Bukit Sylvia, salah satu tempat terbaik di Labuan Bajo, menyajikan panorama luar biasa yang sulit dilupakan. Di s... read more

Menelusuri Keindahan Labuan Bajo: Surga Tropis di Indonesia

Menelusuri Keindahan Labuan Bajo: Surga Tropis di Indonesia

Pemandangan Menakjubkan di Labuan Bajo Labuan Bajo, sebuah destinasi tropis yang terletak di bagian barat pulau Flores di Indonesia, menawarkan pemandangan yang luar biasa. Begitu tiba di Labuan Bajo, Anda akan disambut oleh bukit hijau yang subur, pantai yang bersih, dan ikon terkenal di dunia yaitu Taman Nasional Komodo. Keindahan Bawah Laut yang Mengagumk... read more

Panduan Lengkap untuk Traveler ke Labuan Bajo

Panduan Lengkap untuk Traveler ke Labuan Bajo

Kenapa Labuan Bajo? Labuan Bajo telah menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata terpopuler di Indonesia. Terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya yang memukau, seperti Taman Nasional Komodo dan pantai-pantai eksotis. Bagi traveler yang berencana mengunjungi Labuan Bajo, ada beberapa tips yang perlu diperhatikan untuk memastikan perjalanan Anda berjalan lancar. Persiapan ... read more

Explore Komodo National Park: A 2-Day, 1-Night Adventure

Explore Komodo National Park A 2Days-1Night Adventure

5 July 2024 507x Adventure, Artikel, Backpacker, Destinasi

Introduction to Komodo National Park Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an extraordinary destination filled with natural wonders and unique wildlife. This adventure-packed 2-day, 1-night open trip to Labuan Bajo offers an unforgettable experience at an affordable price of Rp 2.000.000 per person. The journey is based on a standard boat ar... read more

Tips dan Trik Memilih Travel Agen di Labuan Bajo

Tips dan Trik Memilih Travel Agen di Labuan Bajo

Memperkenalkan Nagia Flores Wisata Hallo sahabat traveler Indonesia! Kali ini kami, Nagia Flores Wisata, akan membagikan tips dan trik memilih travel agen di Labuan Bajo sebelum Anda membooking ya. Pertama-tama, perlu kami perkenalkan bahwa Nagia Flores Wisata adalah nama dari travel agen kami. Kami tentunya salah satu travel agen terbaik di Labuan Bajo. Per... read more

Explore the Wonders of Labuan Bajo and Komodo with Nagia Tours

Explore the Wonders of Labuan Bajo and Komodo with Nagia Tours

Discover Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island Labuan Bajo, a picturesque town situated on the western tip of Flores Island, is a gateway to the enchanting Komodo National Park. Renowned for its stunning landscapes, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life, this region is a paradise for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. With Nagia Tours, a local... read more

Exploring the Wonders of Komodo National Park: A Full Day Tour Itinerary

Exploring the Wonders of Komodo National Park: A Full Day Tour Itinerary

A Day Packed with Adventure Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers a mesmerizing full-day tour that promises adventure, relaxation, and a glimpse into the awe-inspiring biodiversity of Indonesia. This itinerary takes you through five stunning islands: Kanawa, Kelor, Menjerite, Rinca, and Kalong, each with its unique charm and activities. ... read more

Explore the Wonders of Rangko Cave: A Day Trip from Labuan Bajo

Explore the Wonders of Rangko Cave: A Day Trip from Labuan Bajo

Discovering Batu Cermin Cave At 10:00 AM, start your adventure by leaving your hotel and heading towards the intriguing Batu Cermin Cave. Known for its unique formations that reflect light like a mirror, this cave offers a fascinating glimpse into natural phenomena. It’s a perfect introduction to the natural wonders awaiting you on this day... read more

Explore the geographical and ecological significance of Komodo Island, a key part of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda chain and home to the unique Komodo dragon. Learn about its role within the Komodo National Park, its rich marine biodiversity in the Coral Triangle, and the historical discovery of the Komodo dragon that captivated explorers and scientists alike.

Explore the Wonders of Komodo and Flores with Nagia

Discover the Beauty of Komodo National Park Nagia, a local travel agent based in Labuan Bajo, Flores, offers exceptional tours around the mesmerizing regions of Komodo and Flores. Officially licensed by the Indonesian government, Nagia’s team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the tourism industry. Komodo National Park, a cel... read more

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